Spot On was a New Zealand children's television program that aired from 1974 to 1988. The show followed a weekly format with three or four presenters, inspired by the British program Blue Peter. Its goal was to introduce young audiences to new experiences by taking them "in the field" to participate in various jobs, events, or activities. This included things like firefighting, flying in rescue helicopters, visiting chocolate factories, rock climbing, abseiling, and traveling to other countries. The half-hour show also featured studio-based sketches and interviews.
The original opening titles were animated by Dunedin artist and cartoonist John Noakes, and the show's logo featured a cartoon furry dog with the title in a bubble-type font within a black spot on the dog's left side. This logo was used from 1974 to 1982. From 1983 onwards, the dog mascot was replaced with a new logo featuring the Blippo Black font and an archery target incorporated into the letter "O" in "Spot."
Throughout its run, Spot On encouraged young viewers to participate in competitions covering various creative fields such as poster art, photography, scriptwriting, and textile design. The show’s annual filmmaking contests also attracted budding talents like Peter Jackson, Paul Middleditch, and Robert Sarkies.
Typically, one presenter would be replaced each year. The program was initially produced at TVNZ’s Dunedin studios, except for the last two seasons, which were produced at the TVNZ Studio 4 facility in Christchurch.
Ray Millard (1974-1976)
Erin Dunleavy (Roozendaal) (1974-1977)
Douglas Blair (1974-1976)
Evelyn Skinner (1974-1975)
Ian Taylor (1976-1979)
Danny Watson (1977-1983)
Margaret Rishworth (Campbell) (1977-1980)
Marcus Turner (1979-1983)
Helen McGowan (1981-1985, with an appearance in 1986)
Sandy Beverley (1982-1987, including a couple of segments in 1988)
Peta Carey (1984)
Ole Maiava (1985-1988)
Wendy Nuzum (1986)
Josie McNee (1987, including a couple of segments in 1988)
Phil Keoghan (1988)
Amber Cunliffe (1988)
Murray Hutchinson
Michael Stedman
Huntly Eliott
Judith Thomas
Ian Garner