Squirt was a New Zealand children's television show produced in Dunedin, which aired from 1996 to 2006. Initially broadcast on TV3, the show moved to TV2 in 1997 and concluded on November 21, 2006. Squirt aired every Saturday morning, starting with a two-hour block from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., which later changed to 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., and ultimately was reduced to a 30-minute slot from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. The show featured cartoons like Cow & Chicken, Batman of the Future, and Earthworm Jim, alongside weekly competitions and educational segments such as Out There! and Astounding Squirt Facts.
The show was notable for its innovative use of motion capture technology, pioneered by Dunedin-based production company TaylorMade and Animation Research Limited (ARL). The show featured a 3D animated digital co-host, Spike the Penguin, who was brought to life through motion capture. A performer dressed in a special costume off-camera, capturing all movements and vocal responses in real time. This data was then used to animate Spike, with the final character composited into the show during post-production.
Ryan Inglis
Jo Holley
Spike The Penguin (voiced and performed by Katie Brockie)
Matthew Gibb
Dominic Bowden
Thomas Robins
Chris Dykzeul
Beau Jeffries
Jason Gunn
Gordon (animated fish)
Hamish (animated fish, voiced by Simon McKinney)
Newt (animated fish)